IMPORTANT: These instructions apply if you want to change your subscription plan from monthly to annually paid and vice versa.
In order to switch from one subscription plan to another, simply cancel your current subscription and, thereafter, start a new one by obtaining it in our web store:
For cancellation instructions, visit the following page:
How to cancel Capture One subscription?
NOTE: Purchasing a new subscription does not replace an existing plan. So, you have to make sure to cancel your current subscription prior. Keep in mind that pressing the 'Cancel' button doesn't deactivate the subscription right away but sets it to expire at the end of your contract period (month or year).
NOTE: If you are considering switching from Capture One Pro desktop subscription to the All in One bundle, please check out our comprehensive guide on how to perform the switch here.
The same principle applies when trying to switch from either Capture One Pro or All in One to Capture One Studio.
may I please talk to a person
Dear Capture One Team, Do you have option to upgrade the subscription without cancelling? If suppose my subscription expires Nov 2023, but i want to upgrade my subscription i have to cancel my existing subscription whether my prepaid annual subscription refunded or adjust with upgraded subscription? Please clarify
I accidentally clicked the wrong button and my subscription got canceled. I sincerely apologize and I kindly ask you not to cancel the subscription!
Please tell me what needs to be done to restore the subscription?
Thank you in advance for you responsiveness and assistance in resolving the issue.
My e-mail is
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