Be sure to check the Client Viewers video tutorial!
With Client Viewers, you can create up to three additional independent Viewer windows in Capture One Studio for your collaborators without affecting your workflow.
Each Client Viewer features a Viewer, where you can pan and zoom, and a Viewer Label with some image info. There are three Client Viewer modes: pinning an image variant, displaying the primary variant currently selected in Capture One Studio, or displaying the last image variant captured during tethering. Regardless of the mode, the Client Viewers show a fully rendered image, including all edits, but they do not show Guides, Grids, Overlays, or Annotations.
Works with and supports: Keyboard Shortcuts (Pin to Client Viewer A/B/C, Follow Selected A/B/C, Follow Capture A/B/C).
This article contains the following section:
Using Client Viewers
Go to the Window menu, Client Viewers, and select Client Viewer (A, B, or C). Choose one of the available modes: Pin Selected, Follow Selected, or Follow Capture.
Alternatively, right-click on an image variant in the Browser or the main Viewer, go to Pin to Client Viewer and choose the Client Viewer to pin the selected image variant. This changes its mode to Pin Selected if it was configured otherwise. You can assign keyboard shortcuts to this action.
You can also see which image variant is currently displayed on each Client Viewer from a Browser icon, indicating the letter of the Viewer (A, B, C).
Note that Client Viewer windows don't remember their position or size after a restart.
Client Viewer Modes
Pin Selected
The Client Viewer window displays the currently selected image variant and maintains this view until you choose to pin another image variant. It operates independently from your own display.
You can assign Keyboard Shortcuts to this action (Pin to Client Viewer A, Pin to Client Viewer B, Pin to Client Viewer C).
Follow Selected
The Client Viewer window always mirrors the primary variant you have selected in Capture One. It behaves as a reflection of your selection.
Follow Capture
When tethering, the Client Viewer continuously displays the most recently captured image variant. Like the Pin Selected mode, it remains independent from your own display.
1 comment
Super sad, that you didn’t integrate something like this at the pro version. Just a simple viewer with no browser etc. to have a uncomplicated viewer
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