There are several Image Browser viewing options to help you get the best user experience as follows. You can choose one of the Browser modes you prefer most:
- Browser on/off. Go to View -> Browser and ensure it is toggled on to see the Image Browser next to the Viewer. To remove the Browser, toggle it off.
- Auto Hide Mode. Select View -> Customize Browser -> Auto Hide Mode to enable hiding the Browser from view until you move your cursor to the right of the screen where it will automatically pop up (or to the bottom of the screen if you have selected the Place Below option). When you move the cursor away, the Browser disappears. You can toggle Auto Hide Mode off again. This option is available in Capture One on macOS.
- Browser below. Select View -> Customize Browser -> Place Below to change the default position of the browser thumbnails from the right side of the user interface in the bottom. Once selected, this option will change to Place Right.
- Change the thumbnail size. Go to View -> Customize Browser to select a different thumbnail size. Alternatively, you can use the zoom slider in the Browser toolbar.
- Controlling labels. Go to View -> Customize Browser -> Labels to choose one of the three options: Off will hide the star rating and color tag; Edit mode enables users to alter the star rating and color tag directly in the browser; Status Mode displays the star rating and color tag but disables any editing capability.
- Browser Toolbar on/off. Select View -> Customize Browser -> Browser Toolbar to remove the thumbnail view and thumbnail sorting options as well as the search facility and thumbnail zoom slider from the toolbar.
<< The Browser overview | Thumbnails >>
Is it possible to assign the browser labels (Off, Edit, Status) to a keyboard shortcut so you can easily go between the three of them? I seem to have found it in the keyboard shortcuts settings, but it doesn't appear to being doing anything after I set it.
Hi Brandon,
Thank you for your comment.
Make sure that you select the custom keyboard shortcut set, then enter the desired keyboard shortcuts, make sure that they are not used by other tools/features, and double-check whether the label is changed in the main menu View -> Customize Browser -> Labels when you use those.
Please refer to this article as well -
In the Browser, I want to show only the images that I have edited.
I see that in the List Mode I can sort by a choice of various fields, and that edited images are indicated with an icon in the Status column. However, Status is not in the drop-down list of sort options. What is "Processed"? I tried sorting with that but nothing happened.
Best regards,
never mind, I just discovered how to find all the edited images in the Browser
(typical, been trying for ages, then find it 1 hour after sending the message above)
I am running a Mac Studio Ultra with 2 XDR Pro displays. I have capture one 22 pro (build running in a dual screen mode and am struggling to have the Browser with folders etc and thumbnails on one screen and the selected images with the tools visible at all times on the other -- I do not appear to be able to turn off Auto Hide Mode.
As you can see from the screen shots all I get is the Browser with tools etc on one screen (lets call this screen 1) and the working image but with auto-hide tools on the 2nd screen.
How to I get folders and thumbnails (the browser) on one screen AND tools/workspace selection and the active image on the other??
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