Default workspace layout
The default workspace displays the Viewer and Browser together, which is meant to fully utilize the available screen space of today's typical 16:9 aspect ratio displays. You can experiment with various workspaces by selecting Window -> Workspace and select an option that best fits your workflow. There are two primary layout modes that can be quickly selected when you need to maximize the workspace:
- Viewer only
- Browser only
The Viewer only and Browser only modes can be selected in the View menu by choosing the Hide/Show options for the relevant layout mode.
Displaying the Browser only
Capture One allows you to quickly hide the Viewer (View -> Viewer or shortcut G) so that you can display only the Browser instead. Not only it is useful when visually searching for images when space is restricted, but it comes into its own on larger displays where a large number of thumbnails can be quickly scanned. Once you find the image you have been looking for, simply select it in the Browser, then double-click or use the shortcut G to cycle back to the Viewer and Browser mode.
When the Browser is in the Auto (hide) mode, cycling back to the Viewer and Browser mode will display the Viewer only.
Displaying the Viewer only
When you want to start editing an image and require a larger Viewer, you can simply hide the Browser (View ->Browser or ⌘B/Ctrl+B). Use the same shortcut a second time to toggle back to the default Viewer and Browser mode.
<< Thumbnails | Full screen mode >>
Is display the viewer only a MAC option only?? I do not have that option in Capture one 21 using windows 10
The Workspace option is not found under Window in version 21 on the PC version. How do I modify the workspace in 21 for Windows?
John Howard, I am also on Windows 10. If you look at the top of the Capture One 21 work area, it says "window" next to "help". If you click on Window, the top choice is workspace, and then you can choose the ready made ones or create and save your own.
Hi Laurie. This option is not available.
What happens if you move from the library tab to another tab and then check to see if it shows up???
Hi Laurie,
The option to display/hide Viewer is available on both platforms - Mac and Windows.
Go to the main menu View -> Viewer.
Hi John,
I suppose that you use Capture One Express.
See the differences between Pro and Express product variants of Capture One in this table -
Hi, everyone!
Couple of days ago all information from my Library Tab has gone. I thought it is a bug and it will appear again after I restart my computer. But the problem still exists. All other tabs are working properly.
Please help me ASAP as I can not work with any other pictures except those that were chosen last session(
With huge love to C1 and its Team,
Natalya Pomazkina
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