Adding keywords is particularly useful in large Catalogs, but this option is also suitable for multiple small Catalogs and Sessions as well. Keywords may also be important if you are supplying photo agencies with images, where identification of the subject may be a requirement of submission.
Capture One supports hierarchal keywording and lists that are necessary for the efficient organization of images. Hierarchical keywording makes it easier to find keywords and store them when hierarchies are collapsed. It is also a genuine time saver. Assigning the lowest level child keyword to an image adds all the keywords in the hierarchy.
Keyword data is stored by Capture One in XMP sidecar files by default for RAW and can be embedded in JPEG and TIFF files on export. Keywords applied to RAW files are only embedded when processed files (i.e., variants) are exported. Keyword data will not be embedded when exporting unprocessed RAW files (i.e., originals). Keywords are managed with two tools in the Metadata tool tab:
- Keywords tool
- Keyword Library tool
The Keywords tool interfaces with the selected image(s). Keywords can be added and removed from images using this tool.
The standard Capture One tooltips for local reset, local copy apply, pre-sets, and help are available for this tool.
The Keyword Library tool is used for managing the list (or lists) of keywords in the document. A document can be either a Catalog or a Session. As the Keywords tool adds keywords to images, the document Keyword Library is populated, creating a keyword list for any and all terms in the current document and is unique for the session or catalog.
Creating and applying keywords to images
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