The Viewer has three primary viewing modes:
- Multi View (default)
- Primary
- Proof Margin
These three modes are accessed from the View menu or by toggling the view mode buttons located in the top-left corner of the Viewer.
Switching between a single image and multiple images
The Multi View mode enables up to 12 images to be simultaneously displayed in the Viewer. The displayed images are selected from the thumbnails in the Browser. However, when you want to switch to view just the primary variant (i.e, the currently selected image with the thick border) in the Viewer, you simply select the Primary View mode. It means that there is no need to deselect all the images in the Browser just to reselect one. When only one image is selected in the Browser, only one image will be displayed in the Viewer regardless of the mode set. Therefore, for most types of workflow in Capture One, the Multi View mode option can be left selected.
- In the View menu, select Customize Viewer -> Multi View Mode or go to the Viewer's toolbar and click the View mode ( icon). When the Multi View mode is enabled, the View mode icon gets orange-colored. That way, up to 12 images can be displayed simultaneously in the Viewer, provided they're selected in the Browser. When more than 12 are selected, only 11 will be displayed in the Viewer.
- To display the primary variant from a group selected in the Browser, click the Multi View mode ( icon) to disable it. That way, the icon changes to a silver-gray color and the Primary View mode is enabled, meaning that a single image (i.e., the primary variant) will be displayed.
- To choose another image from the group, select it in the Browser.
Selecting and viewing multiple images
To display more than one image at a time in the Viewer, ensure the Multi View option () icon is selected. For most workflows, the Multi View option can be selected in the top-left corner. Up to 12 images can be displayed at a time.
- There are a number of ways to select multiple thumbnails:
- Click on a single thumbnail, press the Shift key, then click on another thumbnail. All the thumbnails in between will also be selected.
- Click on a single thumbnail, press Cmd on macOS or Ctrl on Windows and click on another thumbnail. Only the selected thumbnails will be displayed in the Viewer.
- Go to Select -> Select All to select all the thumbnails in the Browser. Alternatively, press Cmd-A on macOS or Ctrl+A on Windows.
- To deselect the active thumbnails, simply click between them in the Browser. Alternatively, go to Select -> Deselect All or press Shift-Cmd-A on macOS or Ctrl+Shift+A on Windows.
When you have more than one image in the Viewer, you can zoom all images simultaneously by holding down the Shift key and dragging the zoom slider (in the top-right corner of the Viewer) or by scrolling the mouse wheel.
Selecting Proof Margin
The Proof Margin mode enables users to toggle between two different Viewer margin settings. The margin is the distance between the edge of your image and the frame of the Viewer. The Proof Margin option can be used to adjust the distance between multiple images in conjunction with the Multi View mode. When a single image is displayed, it can be used to view a single image with a print margin. This is especially useful when the Viewer has a white background. These settings are altered from the Preferences window.
- In the main menu, navigate to Capture One -> Preferences... on macOS or Edit -> Preferences... on Windows. The Preferences window will appear.
- Go to the Appearance tab and adjust the Margin slider from 3px (default) up to 40px in the Viewer section, while observing the effect in the Viewer.
- The Proof Margin can also be adjusted using the slider from 0 to 100 pixels (the default is 25px). Note that Proof Margin must be enabled first (i.e., the frame icon is orange).
- To view an image with a white background, return to the Viewer panel in the Appearance tab and select White in the Color dropdown menu. Alternatively, select any other color from the drop-down list per your choice.
The Viewer has a super annoying sidebar menu that pops up any time the cursor briefly hovers over the left side of the Viewer window. When using the Viewer on a separate monitor, this sidebar pops up every time the mouse passes across to the adjacent monitor. This super annoying sidebar has no purpose since it is a duplicate of the main screen sidebar, and any time it pops up it will obscure the Viewer window. Our stylists have to ask the digitech to close the undesired sidebar pop-up at least 10 times per day because it is blocking the view of the Viewer. Who asked for this feature in the first place? Nobody? I cannot find any way to disable this super annoying and useless pop-up sidebar.
How in God's name do I make the thumbnails in the viewer (not Browser) smaller? I can only see max 12 images at a time, and can't for the life of me figure out how to make the grid of images smaller. What am I missing? I'd like to be able to see at least 25 images at a time in the VIEWER.
That annoying sidebar has haunted me for a while. What I found works is arranging the displays so the monitor is on the left side of the main display so when the mouse hovers over it will enter the external display from the right side and never really touch the left side.
I am struggling to toggle the primary/multi view within the viewer window using a shortcut. I've tried programming a few different keys, but it still only seems to work in the main window. I don't know if this is a glitch or something I'm doing wrong.
It's honestly the most annoying thing that you cannot see more then 12 images at the same time..
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