It can happen that after the release of Capture One 15.0, you face an issue where Capture One requests a sign-in upon each launch or too often.
To fix this behavior, please follow the troubleshooting steps below:
- Delete MSALCache folder
- Go to "C:\Users\[YourUsername*]\AppData\Local\CaptureOne\", where [YourUsername] is your Windows user
- The AppData folder is hidden by default, so click in the search field, type "%localappdata%" and hit return to open the folder:
- Delete the "MSALCache[CaptureOneVersion*]" folder, where [CaptureOneVersion] is the current version of Capture One installed on your computer:
- Delete .enc license file
- Go to "ProgramData\Capture One\Capture One"
- Delete the .enc license file
- Restart Capture One. You will be asked to perform full sign-in and activation from the beginning. This will ensure the new license file is created.
- This requires pressing the "Sign in" button in Capture One and using valid credentials on the Sign in web page. Once you signed in successfully, you should be redirected to the info web page saying “Authentication Completed“. This is essential because we need information to be stored locally in order to authorize the application's run.
If sign in was successful, but this window still shows up, then verify whether the local cache folder has been created.
In order to do that, go to %localappdata%/CaptureOne once again, and look for folder named MSALCache[ver]. Inside this folder there should be .bin file created:
If the folder or .bin file inside is missing, then this is the reason for continuous sign in prompt. The folder can not be usually created in cases as:
- You have no full admin rights. So, make sure to run Capture One as admin and also that your account has full read and write rights in to %localappdata% directory.
- Folder is deleted directly after save by antivirus. Then, try to disable any antivirus and add exception in the antivirus settings to not check the cache folder.
I'm having problems with instruction Number 2. I cannot find the .enc license file at all. Can you elaborate on this?
What a joke that we have to go through this. ZERO people have found this helpful and I can't find program data either and I doubt that I'll get an answer because the comment from three months ago has NOT been answered. Totally unacceptable for such an expensive software.
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